
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fallen Leaf -- Brilliance Technique

Okay. I didn't quite get ALL the technique that Bonnie said on her blog. After seeing it, I did another card with the falling leaves. I used Brilliance Platinum Planet ink and stamped the Stampibilities music score onto glossy card stock. I then took a large solid leaf stamp and colored the leaf with different colors of markers. I then huffed on the stamp and stamped over the background. The background shows through the stamped leaves and also gives a shimmery look to the whole piece. This is an easy and beautiful technique. Thanks again, Bonnie, for showing this on your blog.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you computer is slow... but mine is... I have just waited 45 minutes for this to all download so I can make a comment... I should have stayed on 14 after the chiropractor and driven to your home... it would have been faster.... LOL.... Anyway... back at the ranch... these cards are ALL wonderfully BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
    This one with the leaves is perfect... that is the way we did it...

    I love the technique ... and will have to try it again.. time just flies by each day... dont' know where it goes... other than waiting for downloads and e-mails...

    I think we will have another fun group meeting t his time too... a little of this and a little of that... fun stuff... stuff we love to do..

    I love this purple card too... with the punching and the butterflies... love it all.

    Thanks for all your comments too..
    Love, Light and Peace..Bonnie


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day!