
Monday, September 27, 2010

Two Challenges

Here are cards for 2 challenges on the Stamp Haven Board. We had to do a Vintage card. I have done several before, but enjoyed trying this style again.  On the other card we had to use a paint sample chip. I only had a yellow one which is good for this season! On the paint chip card I used some of my new toys from the convention -- the flower and the fancy frame on the chip!


  1. WOW... LOVE both of these cards.. really nice April. I love the paint chip one... and I was thinking about getting that spellbinder this morning... Had forgotten that you had it too.. It is so elegant... I think I have to have it...

    I have been playing all day too.. check out later... have to take pictures and all that stuff yet... and in between do dinner.!!!!

    Great cards...

  2. These are both beautiful! Love the image on the paint chip...wonderful effect and your vintage card is fabulous!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day!