
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Toothbrush Technique

I tried a technique that was discussed over at the Posh board. I enjoyed doing it and I think it turned out well. Here is what you need.

1. old toothbrush with firm bristles
2. 2 colors of re-inkers -- one light and one darker
3. gold or silver re-inker
4. small paintbrush
5. white or cream card stock

The new toothbrushes these days have uneven bristles, so I pressed my brush in the ink and then used a loose wrist action to pounce it on the card stock. Also most of my re-inkers are very dark, so I used my alcohol inks and had to work very fast since it dries quickly. After applying the 2 colors I then dipped my paintbrush into gold re-inker and splattered it over the card stock. The first picture shows samples of the backgrounds I made with this technique and the second picture is the card I made with one of the backgrounds. I hope you will try this simple, but pretty technique.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your technique; your card came out lovely! I love the gold ink and the embossing; oh and your butterflies are just so fun.

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