
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Total White Out

Hello! It is very windy and rainy here today, so I am in my craft room making cards! I made this card for the Penny Black challenge, Total White Out. The whole card needs to be white except for the image. We haven't had snow here yet, and we may not get it this year in South Carolina, but this card makes me think of a beautiful snowy day. I also used the sketch for this card from Sketch Saturday. I hope you are enjoying your day. I am enjoying mine inside! LOL!


  1. Excellent mono look! Love the all white! Thanks for joining us this week at Sketch Saturday and Good luck! :D

    Hugz & TFS,
    xx Tracey/SS-DT xx

  2. Very pretty April, I love the lace accent.

  3. This is a beautiful card, April! I've been wanting to do an all white card for months and haven't found the time. Love all the elements!

  4. Just beautiful April! Really love the lace in there too.

  5. this is so adorable april...thanks for joining in the fun this week at Penny Black Saturday..hugs kath xxx

  6. Gorgeous card, love the sweet PB image you've chosen.

  7. Oh my! LOVE LOVE LOVE this white on white - especially with the texture of the gorgeous ribbon, April! I keep meaning to make a w/w card, and keep forgetting! Durn this age thingy! LOL Thanks for sharing your beautiful card!

  8. Oh this is adorable and I'm loving the white on white. Thanks for playing at Sketch Saturday this week. x


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day!