
Friday, January 24, 2014


Hi Everyone! I hope you are keeping warm! I think it is frigid just about everywhere these days. Christmas has passed, but I guess you can't start too early for next Christmas! Here are two ornaments that I made recently. I still have a big mess of stuff on my craft table form making these, so I am planning on making some more real soon. I just love the snowman image. He looks so jolly. He just made me smile while I was working on him.

Here is the back of the snowman ornament.

This ornament will look good on my tree. Since my husband is a big game hunter, my tree has all kinds of wild life ornaments on it.

This is the back of the reindeer ornament.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Challenges entered:

A Little Bit Crafty:  Celebrate
Crafty Hazelnuts Christmas Challenge:  Anything Goes
Delicious Doodles:  Ribbon
Divas By Design:  Anything Goes


  1. The ornaments are beautiful - love them both.... still love that ornament shape - one of the best

  2. Your ornaments are beautiful! Love the jolly face of the first one.

  3. What a jolly Santa for sure! Love that you decorated front and back April. They are both fantastic!

  4. wow wow wow! April, these are amazing. Each one looks either like WOOD or METAL! your creativity is so wonderful with all the techniques you employ. April, So sorry I have not been able to visit your blog regularly this month - the bingo game is taking all my time and energy - and will until it is completed.

  5. Thanks for entering this lovely ornaments for my CHNC challenge extra for January - hope to see you again soon x

  6. Beautiful !!!! Love these !!


  7. Wat een leuk ornament! Super leuk gemaakt. En fijn dat je een kansje waagt bij CHCC2.

    Groetjes, Renate

  8. What gorgeous decorated ornaments. They fit the challenge this week well of “Using ribbon”. Thanks for taking part and good luck. Best wishes, Kym (Delicious Doodles Challenge Blog Design Team Member)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day!