
Friday, October 29, 2021

2021 Cat Lover's Blog Hop Day 5

 Hi and welcome to my blog. I have been enjoying the Cat Lover's blog hop over at Her Peaceful Garden. I made another card today using a cat image from Lost Coast Designs. 

I cut a circle from a gelli plate background I made to look like a sunrise. I used the sunrays embossing folder from Sizzix for the background of the card. Yesterday we had the most beautiful sunrise here before it started to cloud up! I am not usually up to see the sunrise, but I had a very early doctor's appointment to get to.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful day!


  1. Waving hi from the Cat Lovers Hop! I LOVE your card! That sunrise circle is absolutely gorgeous! And I love the kitty silhouette... is that stamp from Lost Coast Designs? I had that one in my stash years ago!

  2. Hello from Hop Cat Lovers! I love your scene and sweet cat.

  3. Beautiful sunrise and I love the cat too! Wonderful card design!

  4. This is gorgeous with the gelli plate sun and star strewn kitty!

  5. Gorgeous sunrise! I have this cat silhouette stamp too. I should dig it out. Wonderful card!

  6. The gelli plate circle looks fantastic! Beautifully done card with the gorgeous cat and love the design!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  7. Oh wow your background made for a cool sun, like the cat with his stars and yes there can be some lovely sunrises but I do see more sunsets than sunrises :)

  8. wonderful colors and design! Beautiful cat image!

  9. Your sunrise background is simply magnificent!! Such a beautiful card.

  10. This is a lovely card. The background is fabulous and the embossing looks nice with your creation. The stars on the black cat look great. [Bunny]

  11. Youve just inspired me to get our my gellyplate, I pretty much forgotton about it! Your sun looks amazing as it illuminates in the sky. Love the silhouette of the kitty too! Gorgeous work and its been such a pleasure visiting your blog! Happy hopping from Cat Lovers Hop!

  12. April, I love your sunrise circle and the starry cat! What a clever design idea. Waving hello from the Cat Lovers Hop. :-D

  13. this is so great card!
    Hello from Cat Lovers BLog Hop!

  14. I LOVE your card, April. The Lost Coast starry cat looks stunning against the beautiful sunrise spotlight. So, so beautiful! x

  15. Beautiful kitty make!
    Hopping from the Cat Lovers Hop!

  16. Oh, my...this is gorgeous! Love your Gelli plate sunrise and the dry embossed background rays. I have that fabulous LCD starry cat, too, but haven't inked it up yet. Now I am inspired!!
    Thank you so much for all your lovely participation in the 2021 Cat Lovers Hop!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  17. What a fantastic idea to use the gelly plate background as the sun! I have a gelly plate, that I have never used yet; this makes me want to drag it out! Also love the embossing and the pretty, starry kitty!

  18. Love the gelli print and fabulous cat.

  19. How amazing. The cat looks wonderful against your awesome background.
    I hope all went well at the Doctor.
    Visiting from the Cat Lovers' Hop.
    IKE =^..^=

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Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day!