
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Celebration and Blog Candy

Hello! Today and tomorrow ( Sunday Aug. 26 & Monday Aug. 27 ) I am celebrating passing 100 followers and having my blog for two years by giving away this blog candy. I want to thank everyone for your support and for the wonderful comments I have received from you. It has been really fun for me. I was not very computer savvy and boy was this a big step for me. I have learned a lot these past two years!

I have adopted two cats this year. I have never had any indoor pets and these two have been a delight!

Now you are wondering what this has to do with blog candy. Like I said, these two have been so much fun, so I would like for you to leave a cute comment about your pet, your childhood pet or someone else's pet! I would love to hear your stories. Then on Wednesday I will randomly pick a name for the winner of the blog candy! I can't wait to hear what you have to say about your pets! Have a great day!


  1. Hello April and nice to meet you.
    During my younger years when I adopt cats from a school behind our house. It's really fun how I manage to get them over the wall by using half of the bamboo and milk. Cats are really loveable and cute and I miss them.

  2. I just wanted to say congrats on two years of sharing amazing creativity!! No wonder you have over 100 followers!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. April, congrats on your blog. I always enjoy seeing what beautiful creation you are up to & have signed up to follow at #104.
    I have 4 small dogs, one of them, Peppy is blind but he gets along quite well because he has a seeing eye dog, my long coat Chihuahua, Tucker. Tucker lightly nips & nudges him to keep him on track so he can navigate the yard & house (and stairs). I can tell Tucker that Peppy needs to go out and he gets up to go also. They were great buddies when Peppy could see & Tucker is my only dog who stepped into this role when Pep lost his remaining sight.

  5. Congrats on 2 years if blogging! That is great! We have a Siamese named Guiness because he's black and tan like the beer. :D. He has a weakness for cheap treats (meaning the ones that cost $1 from Purina.) He doesn't get them often and has taken to climbing around the desk cabinet where we keep them to try to get at the bottle. LOL

  6. Congrats on 2 years if blogging! That is great! We have a Siamese named Guiness because he's black and tan like the beer. :D. He has a weakness for cheap treats (meaning the ones that cost $1 from Purina.) He doesn't get them often and has taken to climbing around the desk cabinet where we keep them to try to get at the bottle. LOL

  7. Have had a few awesome pets. But i will tell you about Honeybun the cocker spaniel we had growing up. Family friends had 3 cocker spaniels, one of which was Honeybun. Another of there dogs was hit by a car, a few days after having puppies. Honeybun was not a fan of puppies. The family decided we should take Honeybun, since we had loved her so much, she and i were both 7. We lived in Tennessee at that time, but my Dad was in the army. We moved a lot and Honeybun was my constant friend. She flew overseas flights like a champ and allowed me to dress her in clothes. She was the best dog a girl could have. She died when we were 17. We had an awesome 10 years together. Enjoy those cats, and thanks for the chance to win.

  8. when our daughter was about 2 years old we got a black labrador retriever. they were best friends. our last name is Patti, so we had to name her Peppermint Patti. She was such a gentle friendly dog and very protective of our daughter.

  9. Congrats on your blog--I also blog hop over and visit

    I am not able to have pets as I have big time allergies to them.I sat behind a woman in church who has 10 cats..I ended up having to go home and was so sick I now make sure I sit no where near her on Sunday.I also ask if anyone has an animal in the house before I visit if asked to come over..if they do I have to politely decline and ask that we meet for coffee somewhere instead..They are cute kitties though.Again CONGRATS

  10. Growing up we had a menagerie! Never a cat, but we had a dog, ferrets, rabbits, a goat, a lamb, an owl!, a budgie, orange-cheeked waxbills and chickens, but of course my favorite was my pony - Sovereign. When I came home from school everyday, she came right up to the kitchen window and neighed. That was my signal to take her the heel of the bread! Oh, and if you didn't bring it out for her, she'd just nudge the door open and come right in the kitchen! That only happened once though as my Mum got such a scare and screamed and Sovereign reared up and hit her head on the door frame, she decided to be more polite and stay out at the window from then on!!

  11. Congratulations on your 2 yrs of blogging and getting 100 followers! Your kitties look wonderful! I've had cats for nearly 50 years and all of them come with tales (tails) of their own. Our current pair (tiger striped and a tortie) have taught us how to play 'fetch' with paper wads and milk rings.

  12. Your cards have been inspiring and I love the techniques you've been sharing!!! My son recently got a golden retriever puppy and he has been sending videos of her antics. Last night we watched Daphne chasing bubbles. She is so cute!!!!

  13. I have 2 cats these days, but at one time I had 5!! My senior cat fell out of the ceiling in a Miami Beach hotel about 19 years ago. She's still getting around albeit a bit slower these days due to arthritis. My other cat is a devil cat...always getting in to something, but we love him anyway. His birthday is Halloween!

  14. Congrats on your great blog, i just found it from your post on GWBB and will be back! Our neighbors had a donkey for many years and as my daughter and their granddaughters were growing up, they all enjoyed donkey rides around the yard.

  15. Congratulations on passing the milestone of 100 followers for your blog! Thank you for the chance to win your blog candy and for posting on Gingerwood! Paper Doll

  16. Congratulations! Wow, what a great feat.

  17. Congratulations April!! Your cats are GORGEOUS!!! (I'm quite a cat lover!)

    I've always had cats and I remember one time that Ollie, the cat I had through most of my childhood, stayed out the entire night. It was a ridiculously cold Canadian night in January. When Ollie arrived home, he was warming up on my bed with me and shook his head. Off flew half his ear!! Apparently, the cold had been too much for his ear. Anyway, I was devastated to say the least and begged my father, a physician, to stitch it back on. He would not. Anyway, Ollie lived for many more years and I loved him with all my heart - despite his missing ear!

  18. Congrats on your big milestone!!!
    Love your kitties!!!
    I, myself have always had kitties.
    Now I have 6 rescue kitties with either physically and or mentally challenged. AND I wouldn't trade them for the world. They are my pride and joy and they make me laugh every day.
    They are my inspiration for all of my artwork. =]

  19. I have a cat and a dog. And they are really good buddies. When my dog was younger she always wanted to play with the cat and knock it with the nose. But usually it ended when dog went too spiritedly and didn´t understand that she is much bigger than the small cat.

  20. Just popped over here from 2Peas when I saw your post! We have had our one cat "Peevers" for about 5 years now. She sleeps with me every, single night. Not just on the bed. She has to be under the covers, and she curls up right next to me. Throughout the night she will come and go and when she comes back, she will yell at me to move so she can get back under the covers and get settled. Basically, I haven't had a full nights sleep in 5 years! She is worse than a baby.


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Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day!