
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Win Blog Candy Soon

Whew, this has been a whirlwind week! My son had surgery and had to go back into the hospital. I took him home today and he seems to be doing much better. So I have been care giver, taxi driver and personal shopper for him this week! LOL! I saw that I have passed 100 followers on my blog so this calls for a celebration! Also in June, I had my blog for 2 years. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. To celebrate I will be giving away some crafting items. Please check back on Sunday, August 26th to see details! The celebration will be open August 26 and 27 and on Wednesday I will announce a winner! I want to thank everyone so much for supporting my blog and following my card crafting. I hope to see you on Sunday!


  1. Congrats on going over the 100 mark!!Now its on to 200!!

  2. Congrats to you April! You always show off the best techniques to teach and challenge us, so it's no suprise :) Hope your son is on the road to recovery!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a blessed day!