
Hello and welcome to my blog of card crafts. I am happy that you stopped by for a visit. I hope you can visit often. Have a wonderful and blessed day! "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and my soul knows right well." Psalm 139:14

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Winter Card

Hi everyone. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are still enjoying the remnants of it. We had a nice quiet one with our two grown sons and our new cat, Sapphire. I am not looking forward to taking her to the vet tomorrow, but she needs her check up and a shot! It sounds like a winter day today or maybe March! The wind is ferocious and I am staying inside. I finished up some winter cards that I started a while back. Here is one that I thought I would share today.


Catherine said...

Lovely card, love the bow...

Brenda said...

What a lovely card - so soft and pretty :)

Donna Ellis said...

Your card, and Sapphire, are so sweet! Hope all goes well at the vet, April!

Anonymous said...

Wow simple and lovely winter card! I love black rose in your card. Thanks for the shearing this idea with us. I appreciate by that.

inverted marking paint

Selma said...

April this is a gorgeous card. Love it.

Kate said...

This is such an elegant card, April! The soft background is wonderful! I hope Sapphire (and you!) survived the trip to the vet.

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